Rezidence Latvijas radošo jomu profesionāļiem Somijā

Saņemta informācija no Somijas Rozentāla biedrības par rezidenču iespēju Somijā.

Rozentāls- seura (Rozentāls Society), the Finnish-Latvian friendship association invites Latvian professionals from all creative fields to apply for a residence in Fiskars village, Finland. Creative professionals include (but is not limited to) craftspeople, designers, visual artists, architects, industrial designers, performing artists, composers, musicians, curators, producers, journalists, writers and researchers.

Residency period for applicants is September 2021 and the residency will be organised according to the Covid 19 situation of the time. The accommodation for the resident artist is free of charge in a fully furnished apartment with private kitchen, bathroom and work space in a traditional Scandinavian-style house in the heart of Fiskars Village. The residence and artist also gets a support to cover the travel expenses. Rozentāls-seura wishes that the artist is willing to do a presentation of their work to the members of the society. 

Resident artist/artists are selected on the basis of applications (work plan, CV and portfolio), and the application period ends at 15th of May. You can find more information and the link to the application form in Rozentāls- seura’s homepage.

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Jaunumi Mudītes Treimanes radošā darba vakars Publicēts: 26. September, 2024