Eiropas Rakstnieku padomes akcija turpinās

Eiropas Rakstieku padome aicina pievienoties jūlijā sāktajai akcijai Our #FreeAllWords. Tajā tiek aicināti iesaistīties Latvijas tulkotāji/atdzejotāji. Akcijas mērķis ir šāds:

“Freedom of expression is one of the core missions of the European Writers’ Council. To respond to the initiative of our members, the A*dS (Authors and Translators of Switzerland), Forfatterforbundet (Society of Authors, Norway), and the International Union of Belarusian Writers (formerly Union of Belarusian Writers), we set up the translation project #FreeAllWords. The goal of this funded project is to finance texts and translations of short works by censored or forcibly silenced authors from Belarus and Ukraine into European languages. Within the framework of the project #FreeAllWords, the aim is to translate at least 100 works (texts, essays, interviews, poems) by Ukrainian and Belarusian writers until the summer of 2023. The texts will be published in accordance with the copyright law and on the project website to begin with. All EWC member organisations, and the members of the European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations (CEATL), are invited to publish translated texts on their homepages, in newsletters, blogs, or offer them to media and literary institutions. Contextual summaries, country reports, and biographies of the authors and translators are made available on the website for this purpose. The fees for Belarusian and Ukrainian Writers and their translators, as well as for the project team, are covered by the following foundations: Fritt Ord and Kopinor (both from Norway), Landis&Gyr and Karl and Sophie Binding Foundation (both from Switzerland). Two donations by the Irish Writers’ Union and the Society of Swedish Writers in Finland cover the website of freeallwords.org. The EWC Board as a supervisor works in close coordination with the project team, led by EWC Board Member Alena Makouskaya, co-chaired by Aliaksandra Dvaretskaya (assistance and coordination), and accompanied by Susanne Tenzler-Heusler (media and events).

How EWC members can support the #FreeAllWords project:

• Please let the project team know a responsible person for freedom of speech within your organisation: contact@freeallwords.org Your data will not be shared with third parties.

• Please share the official press-releases of the project.

• Please invite translators fluent in Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian languages, to register for the project. On conditions and details, we prepared a letter for translators, which you can request also at contact@freeallwords.org

• We would like to know if your organisation wants to publish texts – on your websites, blogs, newsletters or local media. Just register at contact@freeallwords.org Fédération des Associations Européennes d’Ecrivains (EWC – FAEE AISBL) EU Transparency Register ID Number :56788289570-24 www.europeanwriterscouncil.eu European Writers’ Council Rue d’Arlon 75-77, 1040 Brussels – Belgium +32 (0)2 286 83 12 EWC.Secretariat (at) europeanwriterscouncil.eu

• Share with us selected media contacts you find eligible for news and information about the project. Mrs. Susanne Tenzler-Heusler will embed them under data protection rules into the public relations work: media@freeallwords.org

• Please also follow the social media accounts https://www.facebook.com/freeallwords/ and https://twitter.com/FreeAllWords Our most prominent Twitter-follower is Svetlana Tichanovskaja, who is particularly active in helping political prisoners from the cultural and literary sectors. Our #FreeAllWords translation of Kaciaryna Andrejeva’s poem from prison by Hanna Komar and John Farndon was an important way to draw attention to the situation of the young journalist and to the repressions against authors in Belarus.

• If you have a funding organization in your country that would like to cooperate and support the authors’ and translators’ project #FreeAllWords, like the above-mentioned foundations in Norway and Switzerland, please kindly let us know, and get in contact with the EWC President Nina George. Budgets are needed specifically for planned live and online events.”

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